Lokasi: surabaya, Jawa TImur, Indonesia

Aku adalah seseorang yang sedang mencari pedamping hidup, ga harus cantik ga harus kaya fisik, yang penting kaya hati dan cantik budi pekerti. Umur aku 28 tahun, islam, jawa, nasionalis, romantis dan tidak oportunis. Suka jalan-jalan terutama ke tempat-tempat yang eksoktik seperti pantai, gunung, tempat bersejarah dan shoping center (ga harus mal). Terlahir pada 10 Muharam 1400 H, Memiliki golongan darah B, berzodiak sagitarius, wuku jawa kuningan

Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

Preparing the Food....

Nowadays foods have become easier to prepare. This change has improved the way people of live. I’m fully support for that statement. Let’s take a look in my everyday live. For business people like me, almost have no time for cooking, and preparing a food. Because of this, I’m prefer to buy some food that ready to serve or instantly can be prepare without need too much time. Just stir in hot water or just open the wrap the food is ready to consume. The way of my live becomes easier and practical because I do not need much time and some spaces to prepare a food.

Food Industries are growing rapidly in the recent years. They know that people are become busier and like instant food.Especially in the urban society, they live independent and have no much time. Instant food factory, planted in every where. They produce instant noodle, instant oatmeal, instant rice, instant spicy etc. These products are easily to found in the supermarket, grocery or retail store just step up from home. People did not need to fries; batter the chili and some spices to get flavor for the food.

The changed of way of cooking, eating, and getting of food is saving the people’s time that can be used to do something else. Food become easier to prepare make the live become simple and practical.

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